Donald Tramp zaražen je koronavirusom samo mesec dana pre predsedničkih izbora.
Šta će biti s preostalim najavljenim debatama i završnicom kampanje? Hoće li Tramp nastaviti da vodi kampanju putem Tvitera iz Bele kuće?
TRUMP’S ILLNESS could have long-term political and practical implications, but, as of now, it appears as if the government will continue to operate as normal in the short term. Federal agencies have been operating in a pandemic mode for months.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 2, 2020
Američka politika danas je u situaciji u kojoj se još nikad nije našla, jer je ceo proces doveden u pitanje.
Džejk Šerman: Ljudi ne veruju Beloj kući
Kako će to uticati na same izbore analizirao je novinar Politica Džejk Šerman u seriji objava na Tviteru. Objavio je pet tačaka:
1. Svaki pokret, svaka izgovorena reč i tvit objavljen u Beloj kući biće pod mikroskopom dok svet pokušava da razume zdravlje najmoćnijeg čoveka.
1) EVERY MOVE MADE, every word uttered and tweet published by the White House will be under a microscope as the world tries to understand the health of the most powerful man in the world. We will be looking this morning for test results and assurance from @vp and @SpeakerPelosi
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 2, 2020
2. Bela kuća nema poverenje javnosti, a u ovakvom trenutku to je važno.
2) THE WHITE HOUSE does not have the public’s trust, and at a time like this, that’s important.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 2, 2020
3. Predsednik će neko vreme biti u karantinu, tako da će kampanja kakvu smo znali biti zaustavljena. Kako mogu dopustiti Trampu da bude u istoj prostoriji sa 77-godišnjim Bajdenom? Kako Tramp može održati još jednu debatu? Čini se krajnje neverovatnim.
3) THE PRESIDENT will be quarantined for some time, so the 2020 CAMPAIGN as we knew it will be effectively paused in its final stretch. How can they allow TRUMP in a room with the 77-year-old JOE BIDEN? How can TRUMP hold another in-person rally? It seems extremely unlikely.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 2, 2020
4. “Pomisliš da će administracija i Kongres učiniti sve da očuvaju zdravlje preostalog političkog lanca”, dodao je Šerman.
4) ONE WOULD IMAGINE the administration and the Congress will do everything they can to preserve the health of the rest of the chain of command.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 2, 2020
5. Bajden će sigurno biti testiran i ljudi će biti neverovatno znatiželjni oko njegovog nalaza, zaključio je.
5) BIDEN will certainly be tested. Political and financial markets will be incredibly interested in his results.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 2, 2020
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